Save your Smile: Quit Smoking

November 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:12 pm

As a dentist Polaris patients visit for their family and cosmetic dentistry needs, would it also surprise you to learn that we are overly concerned about your overall health needs as well?  We hope it doesn’t come as a surprise.  In fact, recently our Polaris dentist staff was discussing the Great American Smoke-out Day and wondered how we could help people quit smoking.  If you missed the big day and are a regular smoker, have no fear.  We propose you create your own quit day and challenge yourself to go smoke-free for at least 24 hours.

Quit smoking and restore your smile

Smoke causes teeth to stain and yellow, making it hard for generic teeth whitening products to get the job done.  If you smoke or used to smoke, talk with our Polaris dentist about our permanent whitening solutions like veneers.  We may also be able to restore your smile using our professional teeth whitening treatments.

Gum disease and smoking

Smoking tends to cause gums to recede which leaves them open to infection and gingivitis.  Without proper oral hygiene, this can turn into a bigger problem.  The recessed gums also open you up for tooth sensitivity as the area of your tooth that is usually under the surface of your gums and protected is now exposed.  If you experience a painful zing at the touch of food or drinks, we recommend a visit to our Polaris dentist.  Receding gums can increase your chances of tooth decay and cause teeth to rot.

Get back your smile

Years of smoking not only ruins your health, but your oral health, and thus your smile as well.  Take a minute to think about how smoking affects you and those around you.  If you find yourself reminiscing about a different you, a more healthier you, then start your challenge today.  You can begin by scheduling a consult with our Polaris dentist staff to see how we can help you rebuild your smile.  Our Facebook page has additional tips for bettering your oral health, too.

The implications of bad habits like smoking cause damage to more than your smile.  Your family and friends are also affected.  You’ll be surprised at the support you’ll find when you look to quit smoking.  Your smile will thank you as will your health.  Reach out to us if you are interested in making over your smile so and let us know how we can help.

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