The Importance of Dental Exams

September 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:14 pm

The beginning of fall is the perfect time to get organized.  We’ve had a great summer, enjoyed our vacations, and sung plenty of songs around the campfire.  Yet, now it’s time to take inventory of our life.  What didn’t get done over the summer?  What needs to get done now before winter?  Have you visited our Polaris dentist within the last 6 months?  The season of fall is a great time to take stock of our needs and check off to-do lists.  Whether it’s winterizing the boat or cleaning up the yard, going to the dentist, or harvesting vegetables for canning; it all needs to get done.  If we haven’t seen you in a while, here are a few reasons why you should give us a call.

Healthy gums

Along with flossing, a professional cleaning and Polaris dentist examination is one of the best ways to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease.  Healthy gums are essential to your oral health as they keep your teeth healthy, as well.  Gum disease causes infections and can also cause teeth to fall out.  By utilizing preventive dentistry tactics like professional dental exams and flossing on a daily basis, you can avoid oral health issues.

Professional recommendation

The experts at the American Dental Association recommend that you see a dentist twice a year.  This practice allows you to have regular Polaris dentist appointments to keep your oral health in check.  Each exam consists of a cleaning, oral cancer screening, and dental exam.  The consistency of these appointments helps us determine if any abnormal areas need to be watched or treated and keeps decay from damaging teeth.

Bad breath

If your halitosis goes beyond morning breath, you might want to give our Polaris dentist office a call to schedule a cleaning.  Bad breath is a sign of something wrong in your oral cavity.  The cause could be an infection or abscessed tooth, tooth decay, or gum disease.  Chronic bad breath is rather embarrassing, but in most cases can be resolved.


Unfortunately, many people wait to see the dentist until they feel pain.  In reality, a cavity doesn’t necessarily show itself in the form of pain unless it gets into the soft areas of the tooth like the pulp or root.  Regular appointments keep pain at bay by diagnosing dental issues before pain starts.  A tooth ache or jaw pain is no fun and our schedules fill up fast.  So for best results, keep your bi-annual appointment on the calendar so you don’t have to live with pain.

Along with life’s chores, we have an obligation to take care of our health and that includes our mouth.  Consider adding your 6-month Polaris dentist appointment to your fall seasonal to-do list so that your oral health remains in great shape.  We offer a wide variety of dental services that you can access on our Facebook page or website.  Give your smile the attention and care it needs regardless of the season so that it lasts a lifetime.

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